Thursday, February 12, 2015

Does Truth Matter To You?

Did you know there is a big difference between discussing a matter to come to the truth AND arguing to win without concern for truth?

Our Quest for Freedom!

Our Constitution, has become sort of like the Queen of England. It is enjoyable to rally round, we place it in protective vaults, bring it around to cities for people to gaze at while having warm and fuzzy feelings about.......BUT IT HAS NO POWER!

Do we understand that we are no longer America, it is in name only? The face of our government has morphed into a dictatorial entity.

Our constitution is no longer the standard by which everything is measured, the same way the Bible is no longer the standard by which "Christians" measure their attitudes and actions.

Hmmm, seems like a philosophical comparison there somehow. The "Christians" in America are using the Bible and the Ten Commandments are figureheads, while they allow themselves to be ruled by prominent writers and motivational speakers.

Has the Lord sent us a message, "you loved your constitution more than Me?" Is it possible that we worked very hard to keep our freedoms, while neglecting the things of the Lord, using them only when they are convenient and discarding them when they are inconvenient?

We have thrown away our freedom in Christ in favor of our freedom in government and look where it has taken us. We were content as believers at one time to be ruled under the principles of the Bible, then we began to love our prosperity, the ability to do whatever we wanted.

We forgot God's principles and began living for our national freedom, worshiping that rather than the God of the Bible. Now we have a system emerging that will suffocate and oppress us. How is all that freedom to do as you please working out for you? Everything must come to its logical extreme, when we do things our own way. 

Too many people have placed their trust in a man made document more than they have in the Words of God, the Holy Scriptures.


Trusting Christ Alone!

My trust is not in people, things or ideas. What a wonderful place to be. My trust is in Christ Who lives in me! Hallelujah!!!!

I can enjoy people, things and ideas, but they do not control me, Christ does.

Psalm 62:5 "My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him."

Evaluate All!

So many preachers are preaching a gospel of works, but the messages are so subtle, we can be easily fooled if we do not know Scripture. I have listened to many preachers over the years. Because I only listen to them occasionally I miss other sermons they give and do not realize they are preaching a works based salvation. I also have tended to assume when someone is a little off, that they mean what I believe, interpreting what they say in terms of my own convictions rather than what they really say.

Ray Comfort and Paul Washer are preaching mixed messages, of trust Christ and sin no more, for salvation. As believers when we are made into a new creation, God works in us in a continual cleansing, but our good works after salvation do not save us, they are a result of God's grace working in us.

We must evaluate all that is said by anyone, seeking the word to make sure they have led in the right direction, toward Christ and away from self effort.

Listen Carefully to Know Truth

How did I miss this? I have used his material, but I never taught to be saved one had to trust Christ AND stop their sin, to gained them salvation. I believe I was interpreting what he said "trust Christ and stop sinning" as "go and sin no more." Recently his companion Kirk Cameron converted to Catholicism. I began hearing language that sounded like Catholicism, having been a former Catholic, I recognized the verbiage. The deception can be very clever, even those versed in the Bible will miss it.