Sunday, May 13, 2012

It's About Trusting the Holy Spirit

During our time in the Word today, my husband and I were discussing James chapter 3 in which part of the discussion was about the difference between godly wisdom and worldly wisdom.

I recall the historical accounts of the ship the Titanic and the thinking of the people of the time that this massive and modern ship was "unsinkable." Even though there may not have been any real claims by the shipping company that the ship was unsinkable, the media billed it that way and the general populous enjoyed the concept so much that they really did believe it was possibly the first virtually unsinkable ship, a modern miracle made by men. The media even billed it this way, "even God could not sink her."

In pondering the pride of men and the worship of the inventions of man in our day, we see that man has the propensity to place their trust in what they can build and manage.

Our country, the United States of America, has billed itself, by various means, as an invincible entity against the world. We have won many battles with other nations on their soil, overcome civil war in our own country and held off invasions from aggressing armies. We have been surrounded by friends and oceans on all sides, leading us to believe that if we have offensive weapons ready, powerful ships and missiles, we are impervious to invading armies. So we thought and still think.

God has shown us that if He desires to take us away into captivity for our sins against Him, it can and will happen and all our pride and weaponry will not save us. Just like the story of the Titanic, pride ruled the day in trusting the machinations of clever and skillful builders of that great ship, just as we have been deceived to believe that the clever and skillful builders of our constitution and modern leaders will keep us safe from all aggressors.

God will take a hand with us for turning our backs on Him and His principles, no matter how smart we think we are. When man thinks He can out think God, shaking his fist at the creator of the world and get away with it, then is when our Lord is going to show us who is boss and in control.

If we desire to see this country turn around, we must stop looking to leaders with our Titanic like pride and begin to fall to our knees in humility and repentance for our arrogance.

Do we really think we can continue to hide the inner depth of our hearts from the very God who created us, Who sees all, knows all and can effect all. The day we realize that we only hide our hearts from human beings, who's opinion of us does not matter in the vast scheme of things, only to be laid bare anyway to the master of the universe, is the day we will fall on our faces before Him in brokenness and shame over who we are, rather than boastful acceptance of ourselves.

We must lose the self esteem we were brain washed to believe in, and seek the face of God, before He removes His wisdom and it is all over.

"Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near:" Isaiah 55:6