Saturday, May 7, 2022

Adrian Rogers: Three Things That You Cannot Learn in School #1999

Blessing or Cursing? – Stephen Briggs

Repentance Neglected too long Brings Destruction of a Nation and of Relationships

For those who think God is going to bring this country back merely because of their prayers to save it, I have this to say:
Psalm 106:28
"They soon forgot His works, they did not wait for His counsel, but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tested God in the desert. And He gave them their request, but sent leanness to their soul."
God did this to the people as described in the days of old because they willfully sought their own solutions and desires while pretending to be God's people.
We have been willful, stubborn and resistant to God's word in our country while pretending to love His principles while ignoring most of them, even refusing to listen to them when they are brought to bear in conversation.
Our Christian culture has leanness to their souls and think they are wise. They have become fools but pretend to know the will of God while defying it.
The United States has been the biggest producer and disseminator of filth world wide, in the form of television and movies, filthy magazines and rotton music that produces lust in the hearts of those listening to it.
Every country of the world has been influenced for evil by this country, and yet the people clamor for their idolatrous freedom to act and speak unrestrained as they infect the entire world with their filth.
The psychology of Darwinism as directed by the devil has infected the thinking of nearly every "Christian" in this country and now the world. Man's foolish wisdom replaces God's wisdom, and more every day.
Our worship gatherings have become political caucuses indulged with more talk of affecting the country politically than even the mention of the name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord has saved the United States many times over and yet it still remains self-willed and resistant to His will and His word.
We have walked in pride so God has given us what we wanted and what we deserved and it will bring us down.
We whine and grumble against what is happening in this country politically but fail to recognize we are only getting what we deserve, our own desires and self-reliance have caused God to remove His protection, and we have been left to our own wickedness and will not repent.
There comes a time when God tells the prophets to stop praying for a nation, He will not hear those prayers because of the hardness of the hearts of those who rule the nation. The wicked leaders were given because the people are stubborn and rebellious against God. We get the leaders we deserve, whining against them is the same as a child breaking a toy because he is angry and then stuck with a broken useless toy.
Self-will always bring destruction to a people who will not self-reflect in repentance. When the pride of a people is so intense that they will rage against the prophets who bring the truth of God's Word, there is no returning to God.
Every born-again believer who understands how God has worked in the past will know this nation is finished, there is no direction for the people except raging insanity everywhere we look. Christians often claim they are "Bible-believing" while violating God's principles as though they are unnecessary.
Just recently I heard another "Christian" bring a prediction as to the day of the rapture. This is in direct violation of God's word that no one will know the day or the hour. People do this almost every year and yet when it does not happen they do not come back and admit they were presumptuous and full of pride in their attempt to boast about their false prophecies.
Why do we not hear the false prophets return to say they were wrong? Its quite simple, those who do these things are wanting the praise of others, it is not about pleasing God, it is about gaining followers for themselves. When their prediction does not happen they slink away in silence hoping those who heard the prophesy will forget it. We know there is fleshly pride involved when someone claims something will happen and when it doesn't they will not tell on themselves in a humble spirit of repentance.
Deuteronomy 18:21-22 "…21 You may ask in your heart, “How can we recognize a message that the LORD has not spoken?” 22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD and the message does not come to pass or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him."
If someone brings a prediction about a future event and it does not come true we are to never listen to that person again, they have lost the trust of those who hear them.