Sunday, November 8, 2015

Narcissists are Screemers

I just have to share this, my posts about marijuana have set off a firestorm of antagonism. My character has been maligned and my delivery attacked in an effort to intimidate me into silence.
This is absolutely classic in the study of narcissism. Not on my page but others looking on have come against me. Wrong thing to do, the more I am persecuted for righteousness, the more staunch I become.
Those who don't want to hear the truth, while indulging in their favorite sin, will use these very techniques to manipulate us. Keep this in your mind for the next time you encounter a "screemer." 
I am going to call them "screemers" because they are the ones who, if in your presence physically, would be raising their voice in anger, using intense and even defamatory verbiage while demeaning you as a person.
You see, we are only allowed to be respected and loved if we "say nothing, do nothing and be nothing, so that the screemer can be top dog. We also forfeit any blessing of love and care if we do not sheepishly admit we have no right to our own opinion especially if we use the Word of God to support it.
Do you see how it works? The liberal media and politicians have been using these tactics for years to motivate people to think and move the way they do. If their tactics of manipulation and intimidation don't work they will use mocking to undermine your resolve while turning others opinions of you in their direction.
The study of narcissism has helped immensely in controlling the effect narcissists have on us. If we don't know their tactics, we might be tempted to think something is wrong with us, which of course is their aim.
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Legalizing Marijuana is Foolish at Best

Another lie of the devil concerning the legalization of Marijuana!

It helps the economy!!!!  How stupid is that!!!!!

This is an age old ploy, if we say it helps the economy people jump on board. But what does that say about the people? It tells us everything is about money in the hearts of the people who will accept something just to help the economy when morally and physically in the long run it harms everyone in one way or another.

Killing babies has "helped the economy" too, all those abortion doctors have more money to spend and so do the woman who have killed their babies, since they no longer have to support a child. 
Sorry friends, "it is good for the economy" just will not fly, unless nothing else matters.