Sunday, June 2, 2019

The End is at the Door!

I am blessed that so many believers have used facebook in these last days to bring teaching to one another in the brethren and to share Christ with the unsaved.
This is probably the most valuable and far reaching medium today to be able to reach the entire world with truth for the unbeliever and encouragement for the believer that has ever been invented.
God gave us this ability in the last days. I am convinced these are the last days because of all the scripture that is being fulfilled before our eyes and exponentially. Another very big sign is that every believer can reach every other believer no matter where they are in the world by a few strokes of the keyboard.
Never before was this possible until recent years. Many authentic born again believers have been somewhat isolated for lack of technology. However, now it is possible for every believer in Christ to meet every other believer in the entire world.
It is also possible now for every unsaved person to have access to every preacher that uses the internet from every part of the world.
Brothers and you realize how exciting this is? Its nothing less than a miracle God has given us to reach the lost and encourage the believer.
This is why I am convinced that the prophesy that we must reach the entire world with the gospel before Christ takes home His church has occurred. Christ can come at any time, on any day at any moment.
Another exciting things for us is that we have seen these prophesies evolve before our very eyes in the past 50 years.
When I was a child there was only the radio, then came later the television, now there is the internet providing instant communication to any part of the world. We can even have face to face video with those in another country in seconds.
I remember as a child thinking wouldn't it be great if we could actually see the person we were talking to on the phone. In those days the phone was attached to the wall by a wire. We were on a "party line" which meant several families has the same phone number but each family would have a different ring to indicate it was for them. One family would have one ring and another family would have two rings.
If a family wanted to use the phone but another family was on it, then the families could listen to one another and have to wait until the one family was finished before they could receive or answer a call. There weren't even any answering machines in those days.
Long distance calls were very expensive and long distance could be considered across town or out of state.
This is one of the biggest signs is that we can communicate with every person in the world in a matter of seconds on the internet. The prophesy is now fulfilled that everyone would see the two witnesses killed in Jerusalem and watch them resurrect again after three days.
We are truly in the last of the last days. The pope is making alliances with Islam and every other religion around the world for the one world government.
The internet has allowed for the spread and intensity of evil to grow every day worse than ever before. The influences of evil have allowed people to enjoy the freedom of their evil actions by their ability to connect with other evil people on the internet.
As this evil grows and people are more comfortable flaunting it, the hearts of many are growing cold and hardened as the world moves deeper into wickedness than ever before in our time. We are literally back to the days of Lot and Noah when nearly everyone is evil and it is difficult to find those who will listen to truth.
Matthew 24:37-39
37 For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.
38 For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,
39 and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be."
Christ is going to snatch His church out of the world soon. Those who are not saved will hardly notice because there will be so few compared to the population of the world. Those that do notice will be diluted into thinking it was aliens from outer space that took out all those bad people who cause trouble with their preaching. Perhaps it will be this way, these are only my thoughts based on human nature.
Christ is coming for His church soon, perhaps it is time for you who have not been born again to consider what all this means and ask Christ to change you into a new creation.
2 Corinthians 5:17
"17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [a]he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."