Friday, June 26, 2015

It is now Fashionable to Wallow in Debauchery

This weekend in a near by city, there is the annual naked bike ride. The riders wheel through the city in front of children and families, while displaying their wares. And they do not call this child abuse?

What is the purpose? Clearly to remove all stigmas of morality that hinder debauchery! Now we know what Sodom and Gomorrah looked like.

Not only is the bike ride happening but our Supreme court of the land removed all power from the states to disallow same sex marriage by endorsing it through law.

If God does not punish us this weekend, I won't know why!

Cast Away the Scoffer

It was hard when I began to realize that most people around me were in this condition, while thinking they are wonderful. They are even in the Christian gatherings claiming to love God. They have a "form of religion" as verse 5 says. And, it was a relief knowing from verse 5 that God said we should walk away from them.

2 Timothy 2:13 "Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out, Even strife and dishonor will cease."

Do Not Correct or Counsel a Fool

When we see rebellion in hearts that won't listen to counsel, they think they are an entity unto themselves, those are the prideful that should be avoided. They will snap at us, scowl at us and bring revenge to the table, it is best to leave them alone after discovering what they are and what they bring.

Remain Faithful, It's Almost Over

Nearly everything we see now in our culture is based on good being called bad and bad being called good. It is hard to have a rational and sensible conversation with most people these days, unless we remain continually on the superficial, mundane and unimportant topics.

When our world gets to this point, the rapture is right around the corner. Good sense is nearly non-existent in our culture now, even those who have good sense have fear in their hearts to speak it.

May believers become bolder than ever, ready and willing to be rejected by all family members and close friends to remain faithful to God.

The Wrath of God is Coming!

We have been under discipline already, however we can expect an immense disaster, whatever form it takes, very soon.

The highest court of our land just made into law same sex marriage. If we think we will escape what Sodom and Gomorrah experienced, because we shout silly things like "God bless America" and our words will turn God's wrath away from us, we have not been paying attention. These meaningless and selfish words make God angry.

God does not care about our cultures emotional words that make us feel better, He loathes them with an intense hatred. When our people spout from their lying tongues platitudes about God, while following meaningless ritual to have a personal sense of safety, elevating self in all that they do, God is vomiting them out of His mouth.

Amos 5:21 "I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies."

Matthew 15:8 "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me."

Revelation 3:16 "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."

Far too many who claim to be "Christian" in this country believe that God overlooks sin as though it is a minor irritation, forgetting that Christ had to die a brutal death because of it. God cannot have any sin at all into His presence, it is only Christ Who could pay the debt we owed.

Why do so many people take lightly sins against God? They do this because their focus is on themselves, their high opinion of themselves rejects God's standard in favor of a man-made religion that focuses entirely on self exaltation.

Those who cannot objectively look at themselves to see if they are in Christ as a born again believer, remain in their sin and self righteousness. All their good deeds and high minded ideas will not save them, in fact it does not even deeply comfort them. They have to repeat their rituals over and over again to have the sense that they are in the favor of God, knowing in their heart they are fruitless. They must also talk about them continually to make sure others see them doing it.

I am noticing that those who made such a good show of their "spirituality" through their prideful rituals, are becoming more and more selfish, while also intensely despising those who walk in Christ.

A clue as to someones walk is how much they love and depend on ritual to have a sense of spirituality. Those who walk in Christ every day, filled with the Holy Spirit that sealed them, don't sense a need for outward signs or meaningless ritual, they are content in Christ Who lives in them.

The ritualists often look down their noses at others who do not practice what they do. The ritualists think very highly of themselves, unteachable spirits harboring a deep resentment toward all those who do not do as they do or elevate them in some way, even displaying contempt, exercising revenge on anyone who challenges them to think beyond their ritual to a Spiritual life in Christ.

We see that this mentality of "ritualism" is growing in our culture because it is turning back to the beggarly things rather than resting in Christ. Christ is not enough for them, they want to feel special, even equal with God as Satan did in heaven before God threw him out.

Mark 7:13 "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye."

Galatians 4:9 "But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?"

Ritual is always about self elevation not closeness with Christ. It destroys relationships, causing much judging based on practices rather than on holiness.

The message all believers need to hear, is that it is vital that we evaluate all that we do, asking God to show us what is worthless. Anything from self exaltation needs to be removed while Christ is obeyed through His principles in the Word of God.

I have met many people who reject most of the principles of God from His word and claim they are "a Bible believing Christians." Their words are merely empty because of their resistance to the truth when confronted about their continual negating of God's word through their actions.

We live in a culture that believes all we have to do is "say" something and that makes it so, but God did not call us to "say" what we know, He called us to "obey" that which He imparted to us through His word.

If someone is reading the word merely to be more educated than others, they are operating from pride. It is better to say nothing, obey what God tells us and our lives will reflect truth. Words are nothing, often they are lies, unless they are backed up by a life of holiness.

To say we believe something but do not obey it makes us liars. Many people who have good words are railing against God through the acceptance of divorce and remarriage, dishonor of parents and all the commandments if they think they have a good reason. Pragmatism is a stench in God's nostrils, diverting attention from Christ to personal desire.

So many think this is a wonderful country with all it's freedoms and opportunities, we say "God bless us", while deeply negating Him in every way possible, very proud of what we say, while unconcerned about what we actually do.

In this matter of same sex marriage, in a short time we can expect to see churches that "just love them" as they like to say, while jumping in with both feet to endorse the practice, claiming that they are going to do it anyway, so to show their "love", if one could call it that, they will negate the word of God to follow their culture.

John 12:43 "For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God."

The sad thing is they will claim to love God through their phony and empty form of love while helping the lost sinner into hell. They cannot preach a saving gospel when they are endorsing and facilitating sin that leads to the fires of hell.

We are not going to be judged by God in this country because of this matter of same sex marriage alone, but because of all the disobedience, rebellion and arrogance that led to the final coup-de-gra, the tipping point of a sinful culture, is it's "in your face" sexual perversion, the last sin that God will not tolerate.

May many people become born again before this disaster that will happen. When it arrives only those who are in Christ will know what to do and Who to turn to for their protection.

May the true believers be ready in the aftermath of a catastrophe, be available to speak truth to those who are devastated, at the end of themselves, they may be ready to hear truth and we need to be ready to speak it boldly and accurately.

True Honor and Respect

Our culture doesn't understand what true honor and respect for parents look like and sadly I have almost lost hope that they will ever get it. I am quite sure there are adult children who think their parents are mean and controlling, when in fact the disrespect of the children affects the frustration level of the parent. 

 When a parent is treated as though they have nothing to offer in a relationships with their children, they sense that they are beating their head against a brick wall and they probably are. It is best to walk away and leave them to God, His ways are higher than ours and He has all power to carry out that which will bring them to the end of themselves.

Let God when you see that no one is listening! He knows just what to do!