Sunday, February 23, 2014

Our Rest Lives Within Us

From Sharon Avery's Facebook:

"Comment by bro Jimmie Lee Robbins>>> The Sabbath simply means the ending of activity, the cessation of effort. God was not tired by his creative work, he did not need to rest to restore strength. He did not stop because he was fatigued; he stopped because he was through."

"The true Sabbath, is not the keeping of a special day but the ending of a specific effort. That is what sabbath means. "So God rested from all his work which he had done in creation" (Gen 2:3). This is the last account of any creative activity.""

"The true sabbath is a rest; the Jewish sabbath is a shadow, a picture of that rest. All the Old Testament shadows pointed to Christ."

"We need to understand this and stop trying to live in shadows. These Old Testament shadows were looking forward to the coming of the One who would fulfill these and thus end them. When the work of Jesus Christ was finished the shadows were no longer needed."

Geoff Lockwood "This is a very helpful post to those who are willing to listen,the sad thing is there are still many who claim to be born again running round in circles trying to "PLEASE" The Lord of all Glory "which in one sense is good for who would want to"DISPLEASE"Him. But the fact of the matter is,as the post says there is nothing else for us to do but to enter into "HIS" rest. When The Master hung nailed to (The Cross ) please remember this was a cross like no other, for many were crucified in those days,the difference being that for the many the crosses were designed to "TAKE" the life of the accused,some of whom may I add could have actually have been innocent,for the Roman government of the day acted with barbbaric authority to implement its rule of law and for the many they were guilty till proven innocent rather than innocent till proven guilty. But the difference between those crosses and "THE CROSS" of Christ was that "HIS" was designed and prepared from the very begining, Not to "TAKE" his life but for Him to "GIVE" His Life. As a ransom for the many, this is why He cried just before He breathed His last ( TET A LESTI ) "IT" is finished (NOT) "I" am finished.
Does not the 4th chapter of Hebrews teach us the very same ,verses 1 thru 11. Then check out the joy of those who recieve this revelation in the rest of the chapter,verses 12 thru 16.
Sadly there are so many leaders in these last days that are so desperate to see one final move of God before He returns that they will do almost anything to prove to the masses that God is in The house, "Let us make Jesus famous in the world they cry" Take heed you latter day pastors,The Lord does'nt need you to make Him famous. Did He not say there is "ONE" who testifies of Me,even My Father in Heaven.
Please hear me in this matter,I am not saying we should'nt be about Kingdom business in winning precious souls, but surely we do it "HIS" way not ours. James Ch2. Eg,NO respect of persons. FEEDING the poor etc etc."

Geoff Lockwood "When we take a look at Matthew Ch25 verses 31 thru 46 we see that the Lord did'nt upraie the sides for there work on the contrary He Blessed them and encouraged them. The strange thing is the sheep did'nt even know that they had done anything rather than that which they knew was expected of them,again see James 2 Faith without works is dead,make know mistake here the sheep were not working for there salvation they were working out there salvation,they already knew to whom they belonged and were "IN" the place of rest spoken of in the book of Hebrews we referred to earlier. So there we have it,we work out of the faith that comes through "HIS" Rest not out of nesscescity as if we could by some vague human effort we could please Him with the acts of sinfull flesh.
Stay calm in "HIS" rest people,The Lord is at hand and His return is "IMMINENT"

Does Sin Matter?

It is not pleasant receiving a gift that is given out of obligation.  I would rather not receive a gift, than to get one to satisfy another's ego or guilt.

It is also agonizing to give a gift that is not appreciated.  We want to have a sweet heart and continue to give even if we do not receive, however the pain remains from the lack of love that we feel, when there is no sense of gratefulness for what we have done.

We have all experienced these attitudes from time to time.  Can we imagine how God feels when we are not brimming with gratitude for all that He has given us, even our very lives?  

How would we feel if we suffered an agonizing death while being ridiculed and hated by the very people we created?  And, even then He reviled them not in the face of the immense injustice.  

He, Christ Jesus, gave and gave and gave to the very shedding of His blood, only to be brutally murdered and reviled for His gifts.

After pondering these thoughts, do we still take sin lightly, as though it does not matter?