Saturday, April 11, 2015

Beware of the Trolls

Beware, there are trolls afoot, coming to believers pages to fight and argue to defend their wicked ways. Watch out for them, when they come, they are there for only one reason and that is to bring discord and intimidation.

Matthew 7:21-23 "21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and ...See More
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They are not wise because they judge themselves as good based not on God's standard but on their own. God said this about them;

2 Corinthians 10:12 "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."

God says HE hates the evil doer.

Psalm 26:5 "I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked."

Those who hollar "I am compassionate and loving" the loudest are those who know they are not or they wouldn't have to declare it so loudly. IF they keep shouting "I am loving" long enough they might be able to convince themselves that they are.

I notice that they have no scripture to support what they are saying, so they think they can just say anything they want and that should convince someone. While calling our posting of Scripture as our opinion, they are again, proclaiming their own faults, hoping someone looking on will believe their lies about us.

God is the judge and He has clearly told believers what that judgment already is, we have no need of our own opinions, we can just state God's declaration, they will be held responsible for their rejection of His Words.

The trolls I am speaking of and encountered today were pro-aborts and same sex marriage advocates. They came against everything that was righteous, attacked us as mean when we quoted God's Word and called our character into question. They called out their troops to accost us because they tend to run in packs, like rabid animals to attack anyone who has a godly standard.

These people are the ultimate narcissists, they think only of themselves, willing to murder babies to escape their responsibility to protect the weak and sacrifice for others.

A narcissist is one who cannot allow anyone to correct them, they will even lie to defend their superior view of themselves.

We know that satan is the father of lies and will use every trick possible to demean those who are speaking truth. A narcissist is one who cannot hear warnings or instruction.

When someone will defend the murder of innocent babies while endorsing the evil of homosexuality, even when God's Word is clearly used to support God's view of these things, they will turn around and level accusations against believers that the narcissist is doing but the believer is not doing.

There isn't anything more hateful than killing babies, but the one who defends it accuses those who love babies and even love the murderer, to warn them, but the narcissist will accuse the loving believer of hate, when the narcissists is the one that hates.

No one can reason with them, they are impervious to reasonable thinking, because everything is about themselves, even to the point of murdering others and maligning the reputation of the righteous believer to remain in a self righteous superior position in their own minds while justifying their evil.

Our culture is full of these demonically controlled narcissists. They are the ones who are angry when a righteous man tells them that murdering is wrong. Murder is not a problem for the narcissist, because they live completely for themselves.

Until God changes the heart of a narcissist they remain in their sin, following deeply the mandate by satan to love themselves above all else. They are not born again, nor do they see their own wickedness. God will have to open their eyes and the means He uses may be devastating. IF they continue to reject God, then the final judgment will be even more devastating and eternal. May the Lord open the eyes of those who are on the wide road to hell.