Sunday, July 6, 2014

Secure Our Borders.....Why?

As for securing our borders? What is the real issue here for Americans? What is the reason we want to secure our borders?

This has been a real dilemma for me. I have had mixed feelings about the problem of illegals coming in by the droves, it seems almost like an invasion because of the magnitude of the situation. As I began to seek God on this enigma of massive proportions I also saw a new perspective that most people are not addressing and even I missed looking through the narrow tunnel of the political and economic ramifications.

The real reason in my estimation, for securing our borders is to prevent illegals from coming to our country and taking jobs away from our citizens. I do believe that people coming into our country should come legally, however, when children are sent across by themselves, then I believe we have a responsibility to care for them.

When we have no control over a situation then we have to assume it is God's will for us, a call to action for His glory. God has been sending women and children from oppressed countries to come to the United States for help out of their poverty and abuse. How can we turn them away?

If a woman and child came to our door for food and in rags, we are responsible as believers to provide for them. Why is our country any different, we, after all, call ourselves a Christian nation. Where are the Christian churches, that dwell in their ivory towers every week, the attendees dressing up like royalty to attend buildings that resemble the Taj Mahal.

As Christian churches we seem to have enough money to accommodate all sorts of programs, fancy buildings, beautiful and expensive clothing, electronic devices and much more that is often unnecessary, not to mention paying high salaries to pastors and elders for their services.

How many people take vacations every year to far away places just for personal enjoyment, and still have the resources to live in houses that are more than adequate, owning late model cars and closets full of clothing?

Where is the money for missions, where are the many workers from these lavish churches that could fund help services and gospel tracts and Bibles for those who are invading our country. Those churches are also full of people who could volunteer their services to care for these children.

When we have become so "patriotic" that we would send defenseless children back through hardship to "get rid" of them, then we are more concerned about guarding our wealth than we are about evangelism or caring for those God sends to us.

Where in the Bible does God tell any country to secure their borders, other than Israel?
I will follow any law that is not against God's Law, however those coming across are not believers as a whole, they are in need of the gospel, this should be our greatest concern, that those who have come, have been sent by God to us to bring them the Gospel message while seeing to their immediate needs.

We seem to have the mentality that missions is "over there, across the sea" and that missionaries are "specially educated college grads", when the Bible teaches that all of us are missionaries, responsible to bring the gospel to anyone and everyone that crosses our path.

Perhaps we should pray for the workers to be called to this task of seeing to the evangelism of the immigrants who are sneaking into our country. What would we do if our family was in danger of starvation and military abuse? Would we seek another safer country to migrate to, in desperation for the sake of our families?

If our mindset is to let into our country only those who are accomplished and able to contribute to the wealth of our country, then we are mercenary, materialistic and lack compassion for the masses of people who are not only starving physically but also spiritually.

After all, isn't our reason for living, as a believer, to bring the gospel to the world, even our own little corner of it!!!

Perhaps we need to rethink our views on the border situation. Perhaps we need to stop worrying about our "economy" and "business survival" or natural resources and begin thinking with the mind of Christ.

God is able to provide all the needs necessary for us as believer, without us calculating our own needs. He can grow the flour in our bins when they are almost empty. He can give us a bumper crop of fruit and vegetables when it does not seem possible. He can give us potatoes in the middle of a drought. When we obey Him, trusting Him for our resources, jobs and economy, then He will provide as needed.

Believers are here for one reason only, and that is to bring the gospel to a lost and dying world. Knowing that we are not citizens of this world, sent as missionaries, should make us think always in terms of that commission than anything that is going on politically.

Many missionaries helped the locals when it didn't seem like there would be enough necessary provision and God brought the increase, not only in worldly needs but in the salvation of many.

We have to stop looking at what we have to do to protect ourselves, just obeying God and knowing that He can protect us. We may even find that many of those immigrants will grow up and become an asset to us as a side benefit for obeying God. But even if they don't, we are called to obey and leave the results to Him.