Friday, August 13, 2021

Holy Spirit Motivated People

Have you encountered a person who must control everything and everyone?
I notice that narcissists are intimidated by those who are emotionally intelligent.
They work to bring down the one who has it all together emotionally because they do not, they must feel superior to others.
We know when we have met an emotionally immature person, they become irritated in any disagreement. They are even angrier to the point of rage when they perceived that they have been shown they were wrong or in their mind "have lost."
I was chastised once because the narcissist in my life wanted me to care whether or not I won at bowling. I said I liked to do my best, but enjoy the game more than I care about winning. They truly did not understand this because narcissists are all about winning in everything, even in conversations.
Truth doesn't matter very much to the narcissist winning is all that matters. We are seeing more of this “win at all costs” in our culture and even in the church because of the self-esteem teaching that has indoctrinated most people in America.
When every child is given a prize for participating and praised ad-nausium for every little thing they accomplish, there comes a time when the culture becomes intolerant of correction. Many people cannot function unless they are going to be noticed for what they do.
A high functioning, rational, and the emotionally mature person can function well even when there are no prizes for their effort. These people gain joy and pleasure from the challenge of the work and the accomplishment at the end. They need no one else to notice or anyone else to fawn over them for their skills or products.
When we are dependent on others for adulation for what we do then we are not going to do well when that adulation is removed. Self-motivated people do well when no one is looking.
Born again believers are self-motivated because they have the Holy Spirit living in them. They have no need for human beings to support them, even though it is nice when they do, they will remain steady and productive if no one comes alongside them because Christ is everything for them and He lives in them.
That is not to say that self-motivated people don’t have their ups and downs like everyone else, they do, but they come out with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In other words, they are more “Holy Spirit-motivated” than they are self-motivated. Their strength comes from Christ Who lives in them when there is no one else who supports them. Hallelujah
John 14:25-27…25 All this I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. 27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid.…”
Brothers and Sisters take great hope and joy in knowing this, it will carry you through when you feel alone.

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