Sunday, September 15, 2024

Forgiveness God's Way

Luke 17:3-4 says, "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him".

Let's not ignore the words; "if he repents you must forgive him." It is amazing how modern Christianity short cuts God's ways and purposes causing evil and sin to grow. God's way holds out for the proper responses so that total healing and growth can occur.
Relationships and friendships can only heal and become stronger when the offender deeply regrets the pain they caused. If there is no regret there is no change and thus the relationship remains broken.
If we say "I forgive" before the offender is sorry we are enabling the bad behavior and preventing cleansing, spiritual and emotional growth. We are not helping the offender by "just letting it go." And, we have no reason to trust someone who is offensive when they come back acting friendly hoping they will never be accountable. We know someone who is so prideful they cannot be sorry will not change. After the "sweet cycle" to appear like a good person they will at some point come back again with their old ways because they have not been cleansed by God through confession of their sin.
God forgives those who are repentant, and the relationship remains broken for those who will not confess their sin.
Let's live God's way so that true cleansing and healing can happen.