Thursday, March 26, 2020

Apostasy Report - The SBC Is Fallen, Fallen!

Apostasy Report - The SBC Is Fallen, Fallen!

Going Home Soon Brothers and Sisters

I think more about Christ, heaven, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and going home almost more than anything else these days. We are so close brothers and sisters to the rapture first and then the tribulation period that these events are on my mind continually.

I am not looking to see the antichrist, I am looking for Jesus Christ as we have heard others say too. My hope is in my Lord's return. Believers will not see the antichrist or at least we will not know who he is if we did see him, because he will not come into power until after we are gone.

Sadly though there is no hope for those who have not trusted in Christ. There is fear everywhere now!

Before the lockdown here in my home town I saw an older woman about my age in the waiting room of the doctor's office. This poor woman was absolutely terrified, crying and whimpering that she had to come in for her appointment.

Her husband was with her, a patient and kind man. He didn't mock her, he didn't make any mean remarks, he simply remained silent and loving while the woman expressed her fear.

The woman didn't want to touch the clipboard, she asked for a mask and whimpered while she picked up the pen to sign in to the office. The receptionist assured her that they wipe down each clipboard with disinfectant after every patient. The woman was so distraught she wouldn't believe the receptionist and accused her of lying.

The doctors took this woman first so that she didn't have to wait because of her fear.

I do not fear as this woman did but I can empathize with someone like this having been fearful in the past over other things in my life. After I became born again I would have passing fears from time to time but they relented quickly as I prayed.

Now there are very few things that cause fear in me. Since there is nothing that could happen to me that would take away the Holy Spirit in me I have no fears that devastate me. When my body dies it goes to the Lord, so there is no fear of that.

Philippians s1:20-21 "20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have complete boldness, so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

Galatians 2:20
"I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."

I do not boast of any great courage, it is Christ I boast about Who keeps me in His care every day until He comes for Me.

The Fragile Virus

According to some sources, the Lysol information on the can kills the coronavirus. We don't need to know if its actually on the can or not. All we have to do is put two and two together by evaluating what Lysol does.

Some experts are attempting to continue the fear of the Coronavirus by saying Lysol does not say it kills Corona on the back label. So what! It doesn't have to say it.

"Using bleach to kill the coronavirus is like using a sledgehammer to kill an ant."

The virus is very fragile according to what some experts say. Notice the instructions from all the health organizations are to wash your hand with regular soap and hot water and use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.

Since washing your hands and hand sanitizer is enough to kill the virus then it makes sense that Lysol would also kill it.

We know the virus is fragile because ordinary dish detergent in hot soapy water will kill it. If hand sanitizer will kill it then it makes sense that Lysol that claims to kill 99.9% of the germs, will do at least as good a job as the other two methods.

One does not have to make up stories with fake labels on cans, we can simply reason with the facts we do have.

Sometimes all we have to do is think a little to find the truth about things. I am not a scientist but Lysol has been used in hospitals beginning back in 1930. Many homes today still use this to kill mold and germs, it has been very effective keeping people from contracting illnesses.

Just some thoughts to ponder. If you know something I don't know I would like to hear your thoughts.

Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding."

Christ in us helps us make sense of things, and these thoughts almost never look anything like the worldly thoughts we hear every day.

Going Exactly As Planned Long Ago