Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Satan Is Using a NARCISSIST to Attack You If . . .

Few Saved: Old Paths - J. C. Ryle Sermon / Audio Book

The Most Frightening Verse in the Bible

The most frightening verses in the Bible, Matthew 7:21-23, in which God says that many call Him Lord but He will say to them "I NEVER KNEW YOU", AND THEN CAST THEM INTO HELL.
These people are those who thought they were good people, pleasing God with all their own words and works but doing it all in their flesh refusing to believe in Christ. They believed they were going to make it to heaven.

They use His name, they do what makes them feel good, but they are pretenders who trust in their own perception of their goodness. They never were born again but think they are going to make it to heaven.
These are people who love to have high opinions of their own goodness but will become enraged when someone challenges them on their deceitful actions or attitudes.
These people will be those gnashing their teeth in anger as they are being thrown into hell. When someone relies on their own idea of specialness they are exalting self and cannot be saved.
Only those who know they are sinners in need of forgiveness will be born again by the Holy Spirit of God.
John 14:26
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."
It is only the Holy Spirit Who can work good works in us, His way in His timing. Anyone depending on their own devices will not be born again.

How to Grow Smarter!

I have observed for years that narcissism keeps a person plagued with it, from growing smarter.
Intelligence is not based on genetics alone, it is influenced dramatically by pride or humility.
A prideful person cannot become smarter because they are more invested in appearances than substance. They will invest a lot of energy on how they look to others far more than growing to actually learn better ways.
The humble person can easily admit they don't know something and seek the truth that increases their intelligence. These people will grow in wisdom because they can face straight on their own demons to eradicate them.
Narcissists cannot remove their demons because they will not admit they have them.
Some people would say intelligence is apart from knowledge, I am convinced that many knowledgable people have little wisdom. And many who do not have a ton of knowledge have greater wisdom than those who never self-reflect.
Narcissists base their opinions of themselves on what they desire to believe about themselves and not what is real. They never self reflect because they feel no need to do so. Only those who self-reflect can become wiser.
Narcissists also base their opinions about others on what they choose to believe about them but not what is real. They will interpret things about others that are exaggerated evil or even lies because they wish to believe it about those they are jealous of or those they cannot control.
The narcissist is far more invested in what others think of them, so they play-act. They do not care that they have wisdom only that others see them as having it.
When you meet someone who boasts a lot and keeps the conversation on themselves continually, this is a person who is attempting to convince others of their own "specialness." Without the accolades of others, the narcissist dries up like a grape turning into a raisin. They cannot tolerate being seen as just plain normal, they must be special and all-knowing.
It is a wonderful place to be in our spirit when we are unconcerned about whether or not we are noticed. Our greatest joy comes from our accomplishments and God's work in it, irrespective of the acknowledgments of others.
Do you love Christ? Do you obey Him? That is all the joy any born again believer needs to be completely fulfilled and happy.

Christ is Coming Soon!

5 Reasons to Anticipate Second Coming

Amen, Amen!!!! Israel is the only nation in which the entire nation will trust in Christ. No other nation of the world has ever or ever will do this. Hallelujah!!!!