Sunday, September 6, 2015

We Train Animals Differently Than Children

The "Proverbs" as written in the Bible, are not absolute promises from God. They are general principles of life that show what happens when we live certain ways, we are more likely to see success or failure based on adherence to or rejection of those principles.

Many people use the Proverb referring to raising children, as a promise that if we raise up a child according to God's principles they will not turn from it when they are old.

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

Sadly, this misunderstanding about Proverbs has led believers to judge one another based on outcomes, even when a parent could be shown to have loved and influenced their children in the right way.

If it were an absolute promise that children will be godly if we train them right, then all parents who raised their children in the Lord, whose children left the faith or never adhered to the faith, would be considered responsible for the spiritual condition of the children. We know it is not an absolute promise because of the following Scripture;

Ezekiel 18:20 ""The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son's iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself."

If we raise children in the Lord, they are more likely to follow the Lord, but some will not. In these last days when the culture plays a big roll in influencing our children, even when we place restrictions on how much of the world they experience, more will see a failure of children following Christ than those who will follow Him.

The reason we know this is because of 2 Timothy 3:1-5. This is a description of the end days. So how did it get like this? Perhaps the entire culture can be held accountable for coming against Christian parents at every turn. The pull of the culture is very strong, influencing them in ways that never occurred to us. Ungodly extended family have an influence, that at times is overpowering.

Parents have compromised God's principles often without realizing it. We become desensitized to things we are accustomed to. Many things we have been taught seemed very good but were not Biblical, they were human traditions rather than principles of God. Because most believing parents were not immersing themselves and their children in the Word with proper teaching, they were led to believe things that were patently not true. There is no parent, and never has been a perfect parent, no matter how godly they are, everyone has warts. The salvation of our children is in God's hands, they will make their own choices not based on our training but based on their heart condition.

The more of these things we have accepted, the less sensitized we are to error. Believers are using language now, especially on facebook, that would have brought discipline had we used it as a child. Our mouth would have been washed out with soap, right after we had a good clout on the bottom with a spoon or willow switch.

Where did believers get this idea of standing a child in a corner calling it "time out?" This certainly didn't come from God's Word, but if we research it we would find out it comes from secular psychology that based their philosophy on Darwinism and Freud. Completely secular men who set out to prove their is no God.

Since we are animals, according to these men, we do not hit animals, but we administer positive stimuli, to make them do what we want them to do. There is no rebellion in animals, they operate from instinct and positive rewards.

Mankind however, is not an animal, we are a much higher intelligence able to be far more cruel and devious than animals. Having grown up with animals and enjoying them my entire life I know that they do show what looks like revenge, but for them, everything they do is based on meeting their needs. Anger is a defense mechanism, jealousy is for dominance for survival, viciousness is motivated by fear of harm.

When human beings display these character flaws they can purely be out of nothing more than selfishness to gain advantage. Humans feel and use these things out of our wickedness, animals exhibit them out of survival. The elements look similar, humans are calculated and manipulative, for animals they are instinct for survival.

The psychologists attribute the instinctual aspects of animals to human beings, this is grave error. When we ignore God's principles treating people like they are animals, we ultimately assign them with instinct rather than deliberateness.

God gave clear instruction to mankind to use the rod to discipline children, he never gave such an instruction for animals. We do not train animals the same way we do children because they are made differently, sin is not assigned to animals as it is to human beings.

It is vitally important that we follow God's instructions rather than man's traditions. When we research where all these man made practices come from, we see that they are concocted by ungodly men who lacked wisdom. The devil was the author of these things in order to get people to adopt practices that ruin children and families as a whole.

Yep, they looked so good to the untrained eye, but have been ruinous for mankind.

Isaiah 40:11 "Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs And carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes."

Proverbs 13:24 "He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently."

Our training methods for animals is far different from our training methods for children.

Parents are responsible to God to train their children, but they are not responsible for their sins.

Hard Hearts Get Harder

I think we will be surprised how few will turn to God in the natural disasters and through military hardship, that are here and increasing because of the rebellion we see in our country.

Hardship only makes the rebellious heart harder, we saw this in the time of Moses when the Pharaoh finally let the people go after the plagues, but even then went after Israel when they were on their way out of Egypt.

God said He hardened Pharaoh's heart, and in the same passage we see that God says, "Pharaoh" hardened his own heart, in response to all the troubles God was bringing upon him. God merely gave Pharaoh what he wanted, to motivate him to do what he did in chasing the Jews. He had a hard heart, so God hardened it further.

Because Pharaoh chased the Jews, they experienced God's miracles in their protection. Pharaoh's army was destroyed and Israel were free. And, to top it all off, Israel saw other miracles, their shoes didn't wear out the forty years in the dessert, they didn't have to trap or kill for food, they only had to gather what God sent every day.

Hardship should not be the focus in all these things, we ought to look back and see how God provided for His people the Jews, to know that He will provide for us too, because we have been grafted in, we belong to Him.

Just because we are "America", does not mean that we will escape what nearly every country of the world has experienced, take over and oppression. We have been sitting fat and happy for 250 years now without take over of the government, actually believing it couldn't happen here.

Those in high level political positions know that the only way it could happen would be through a "Trojan Horse", covert infiltration while dooping the people. We sat here gathering all our material goods, engaging in outrageous pride and all the while there was a plot to take us down. I hope you enjoyed all that pleasure, because very soon it will be taken away.

America No Longer America

We are living in a time of take over in this country. The three branches of government are being ignored or used improperly. The Congress has little power if any. The president is working his way to complete take over of this country. It seems like baby steps but really it has been giant steps lately.

He is Muslim, hates our government, hates our people, hates our religious freedom and hates Israel which we have always defended. He got into the position of the presidency fraudulently, while lying continually to the American people. And we think he is not trying to move into the position of dictator?

I am convinced that is what is happening. He knew he couldn't do it by military might, so he bamboozled the people, fixed elections while ignoring every aspect of our governmental system. What part of this is not dictatorial?

And, he was not alone in this, it is a huge world wide scheme to move us into a world government. The Pope is speaking before the UN soon, with this very proposal.

Things are falling into place in terms of the end times eschatology. This is an exciting time for believers, we know what is coming because we have read the Bible. We may suffer for a time in the flesh, but our the Spirit in us will never be touched.

I am thankful to the Lord that I know where I am going when I die and I know the end of the story.