Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Helping Adult Children to Prosper

There are so many people now who are dealing with disrespectful children who are attempting to guilt their parents into supporting them after they are grown.

Any child who expects their older parents to support them financially or with housing is a leech that needs to learn they can no longer use their parents.

Get boundaries, tell them to get out, earn their own way in the world, do not give them one more red cent and ignore their tantrums when you have to say no to them.

If they are living with you, give them one month and no longer to find another place, then hold them to it. If they refuse, put their things in the street, usher them out the door and feel no guilt over doing it.

Showing the best kind of love for the little birdies is to push them out of the nest early on, age 18 is the legal age, with prayers that they do the right things. Make it clear that they cannot come back except for short visits, nothing over night. Unless of course they are responsible and are coming a long distance from out of the state for a visit.

We had a rule, at age 18 they had to get a job and pay rent to us or go to college. If they were going to further their education we would help but they had to earn most of it and pay back whatever we helped with. College is a extra privilege, not a right.

Children now days have an entitlement mentality that their parents should provide for them even after they are grown. Where on earth did they ever get this idea?

If an adult child of 30 is still living with Mom and Dad, something is wrong, my guess is that the parents are still treating them like children and giving way too much. Is Mommy still cooking all the meals for them, washing their clothes and paying for their car and gas? This is down right silly. Any adult child at home, if they have to be for a real reason, then they should be contributing to the finances, the groceries, and any house hold chores to lesson the burden for the parents.

If we love our children, we push them out there to earn their own way, then they will be prosperous, they will learn homelessness is not fun, so they get a job, they pay their bills on time and no one else is going to bail them out.

When they have to make their own way, they gain dignity, learning diligence is a blessing! Then when they have lived righteously, been responsible, it is their turn to make sure their parents are taken care of in their elder years.

See how that works, everyone pulls their own weight and is ready to help the helpless, when they can no longer be alone.

Maybe we can call it "paying it forward" as the kids say, our parents took care of us when we were helpless, the adult children should care for their parents when they become helpless.

"Honor your father and mothers" was a command to all ages, not just children, that command was given to adults too.

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