Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Men and Women are Different and Feminism Lies

Men and women are different because God made them for different tasks and callings.
Feminism as directed by the devil, has propagated lies that men are better than women because of their roles.
Roles are not what makes someone better than someone else. Every role and job is necessary. Just because someone's role is different from someone else's role does not mean someone is without value and worth.
I grow weary of feminist liars claiming that they speak for all women. Who died and left them boss over "all women?"
Feminists do not speak for me neither does anyone else. I speak for myself, my choices are my own.
God told me how to conduct my life that is the best for me and others in my life. Most of all He told me what glorifies Him in my choice and I choose to obey Him of my own free will.
Feminism follows the dictates of the fallen, broken human heart and whatever the devil tells them, they are not free, they are in bondage to co-dependency, doing what everyone else tells them they should do so they can be accepted by the world. These are not strong women, they are weak and rebellious without good sense. or wisdom.
They must intimidate others to follow them because they cannot do something without followers or praise from people.
John 12:43
"43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God."
Anyone who makes their decision to become like someone else, in this case, a woman wants to be like a man, they are feeble and without power. They have no power, they only think they do. They are without strength only thinking they do.
Feminists are insecure, bossy over others and rude because intimidation is the only tool they have on their belt because of their weakness.
2 Corinthians 10:12
"We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they show their ignorance."
Proverbs 27:3
A stone is heavy and sand is a burden, but aggravation from a fool outweighs them both.
So we let the feminists be who they are but we do not allow them to convince us of their feeble and devilish ways that destroy marriages and all relationships. Let them be them, do not let them dictate to you what your choices will be.

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