Saturday, October 21, 2023

Preacher Must be Able to be Corrected and Taught by their Congregation

Outrageous professors are teaching college students now that Israel is at fault for the war between Israel and Hamas.
Colleges are being harmed by major donors who are promising to withhold funds from those colleges for their indoctrination against Israel.
I did a happy dance when I heard this, however, the influence and damage on the mindless self-absorbed students has been done. Once someone has been brain-washed about something it is very hard to convince them of the truth.
We can see how the world is moving in the direction of angst against Israel. It is the classic bully trick.
The Bully Trick: attack someone who was not hurting them and when they fight back accuse them of being the one at fault.
In my years of study of narcissism, this was the most used and effective tactic of the narcissist. Blaming the victims for defending themselves as though the narcissist is innocent, is a well-used maneuver of the devil.
The devil never changes his method of operation, he uses lies and manipulation on every front to destroy those who are not doing evil.
We are not only seeing this in institutions, the media, and communities but also in families. We know that the devil is at the root of it all because his strategies are always the same.
First, the devil was able to convince Eve that God was doing something wrong by withholding information from her. Then he appealed to her pride by saying she could be like God if she just ignored His command and did what she wanted to do. He was able to build a wall between Eve and God through his deception and fraudulent lies.
If you wish to be discerning unable to be fooled by the distortions of the devil you must know the Bible. I do not mean a cursory reading of it but studying and questioning the Holy Spirit to be able to see clearly.
Lazy believers will be fooled because they choose to believe what fits their desires without depth of character. They see things superficially and lean into the deceptions of the world that add scripture to their false teaching making unsuspecting neophytes think they are knowledgeable all the while operating on a more worldly plain than a Biblical one.
Anyone who wants to know the truth can have it, they don't have to be a scholar, they only have to read and pray and God will not withhold from anyone who wants to know.
James 1:5-6
"5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind."
I knew of a woman who attended church for 60 years of her life. She had more bad doctrine than she did truth in her thought patterns, she was able to give terrible advice to others that led them away from God rather than into a deeper walk.
We hear much psychological thinking in the church today that actually negates God's Word but those who adhere to it believe it's Biblical and worse than that they refuse to be corrected with Scripture.
Mark 7:13 "13 Thus you nullify the word of God by the tradition you have handed down. And you do so in many such matters.”
The best way to not be fooled by false doctrine and manipulative people is to read the Bible while asking the Holy Spirit to bring understanding. It is not wise to go to "educated preachers" in our day because they have been indoctrinated by liberal Bible colleges that often demean the truths of the Bible. They are often arrogant and resistant to correction.
2 Timothy 2:24 "24 And a servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome, but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and forbearing. "
In this passage, the "able to teach" was wrongly translated and should read, "teachable himself." A preacher who is not himself teachable is not qualified to teach others.

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