Monday, July 29, 2024

It's Either a Drug or a Medicine Depending on how you Use It!

We have heard it said that the internet and Facebook are drugs that keep people hooked.
For the born-again believer who seeks Christ and fellowship with those who love Him, the internet is a medicine.
God said not to forsake the gathering of believers, for some of us this is the only connection we have with those who love Christ and look for His appearing.
2 Timothy 4:8 "in the future there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing."
We are living as in the days of Noah and Lot, they had no one in their communities that would be an encouragement to them or come alongside, all they had and everything they needed was in God.
We are back in times like this with the exception of the wonderful provision of the internet to connect with other believers all over the world whom we have never met but are just as connected to them as if they were in front of us.
For those who criticize believers for using Facebook and the internet for connection with other believers I want to remind them that Paul wrote letters to and about people he had never met, only those letters took months to reach the readers of those letters. Our letters to believers around the world take seconds to reach them.
I believe God provided this medium of the internet for these last days when the entire world can be reached for Christ in moments rather than months. I am convinced this is another indication that Christ is coming for His church very soon, everyone of us who love Him can speak about Him to others on the other side of the world from our homes, without wearisome and expensive traveling. And, even the elderly who are too frail to travel can sit in their homes and do the work of evangelism reaching thousands of people in seconds.
I call this a miracle of God for the times we live in right before He takes us home.

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