Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ask God!!!!!

There are those that believe every time they have a thought or "inner voice", they are hearing from God. The devil loves to deceive us through that inner voice.

If the inner voice does not agree with the Word of God, then the inner voice is not God but the devil.

Often that inner voice, is nothing more than our own flesh, the voices of our culture, emotionalism and Satan himself.

Far too many people go with feelings that are not based on God's Word but rather what they have been taught all their lives. The culture has shaped our thinking much more than we realize.

Often what seems to sound so righteous, is not at all in line with God's principles.

Want to know if God is speaking? Read His Word, pray for the understanding and go with what HE tells you.

John 10:27 ""My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;"

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