Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Lord Told Me to Stop Praying!

Jeremiah 7:16 ""As for you, do not pray for this people, and do not lift up cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with Me; for I do not hear you."

Jeremiah 11:14 ""Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will not listen when they call to Me because of their disaster."

You see, God has revealed this to me through His word and the Holy Spirit that this nation is not going to turn and that we should pray for believers to become strong. When I try to pray for the country, I am stopped, as though God is saying "NO."

Those who continue to pray, are focusing on their own desire to live in a "free country", to continue to do as they please and to save them from hardship. Never in the history of the world has an entire nation turned from sin when they got to the point we are now.

Punishment is all that was in store for them. There was a "city" in the Bible that the prophet Jonah was told to go and preach, and they repented, but a city, not a nation. All the nations that got to the level of depravity we are in, were diminished and eventually destroyed never to rise again.

When our indoctrination has been all our life, "freedom, freedom, freedom", it pushed out all thought of holiness or godliness. Freedom became our god and the One True God is going to remove that god, so that we might see our need for Him.

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