Monday, March 21, 2016

The Narcissist Hates Knowledge and Wisdom

The apostate church only loves knowledge to impress others, not for the purpose of personal growth and change. Their goal is to know more than others, the knowledge doesn't have to actually flesh itself out in their lives, pretending is the goal. The distorted reality that narcs live in, prevents them from seeing their true self. They are working hard everyday to "appear" to be something, as long as they can appear to be something they are satisfied, they don't have to "be" anything.

Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."

There can be no wisdom when there is only knowledge without a desire to obey what we know. Often the knowledge is twisted to fit the culture, the life style and to be accepted by others. There can be no love for one another if there is no love and respect for God's Word. Love always fleshes out, it is not love to say it, or write it, "love" is an action word. When we love, it will be evident through attitudes and action.

Proverbs 12:1 "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid."

1 Corinthians 8:1 "Now concerning things sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies."

We know the knowledge in many is for show because when they are challenged to dig deeper or that they may be wrong, they become enraged, refusing to listen while negating the challenger.

I probably would not be able to count the number of times I heard someone say "I am a Bible believing Christian" or "we are a Bible believing church", only to realize at closer inspection, there is very little about the Bible that these people obey. There really is no determination or love for God's Word, only that they love "appearing" that they do. And, there are extra rules and traditions tacked onto the lifestyle to manipulate and control others. Control is not love, instruction and correction is love. God never forces through meanness, but through instruction and circumstances He compels us to learn.

We live in a church culture that says one thing and does another. Divorce and remarriage has been accepted almost completely among church goers who say they believe the Bible. Many of these professing believers negate all the teachings of hospitality, empathy, love of the brethren and much more.

Our culture has sadly bought into the idea that saying something is enough, there doesn't have to be any action or evidence of what we say, only that we say it. While patting one another on the back for all they know, there is a conspicuous lack of action to back up the words.

Anyone who dares to confront or challenge these apostates, are maligned, demeaned, dismissed and ignored as non-entities unworthy of notice or love.

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