Saturday, July 23, 2016

Trust Christ not the Leaders


It is so hard to get a brainwashed culture to place their trust in Christ instead of their leaders. We have lived our entire lives for 250 years in America, believing that the only way to have a godly nation is to have a godly leader.

The truth is that if every person in our nation trusted Christ, it wouldn't matter what the leader was doing, GOD would bless us and He would give us the leader we deserve. If the leader were pro-abortion, it wouldn't matter, no one would choose to kill because of the conviction in their own heart. If the leader was pro-gay rights, it wouldn't matter, no one in the nation would become homosexual.

We are looking to fix the ills of our nation through laws instead of Christ. I agree that men will be lawless and the laws are for those people. However, when the nation as a whole is rebellious, even a good leader couldn't stop them. That folks is where we are as a nation.

Israel wanted to have a leader like the rest of the nations. They pushed God aside, Who was their leader in an effort to have a human leader.

It is absolutely agonizing to watch the United States choosing a human leader too!!!!

If we had no leader, if we had a liberal leader if we have a conservative leader, I would still trust Christ alone and obey Him, as could also every other person.

Christ is the Lord of my life, not a human leader.

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