Friday, August 19, 2016

God Is Showing Us

God said that no man has an excuse. When God said; "a fool says there is no God", the true rendering of that verse is "a fool says no to God."

Atheists know there is a God, they are deliberately denying Him out of rebellion.

When you sense the rejection of your extended family and your children, you are experiencing what God must feel like when the culture as a whole has rejected Him.

Let's turn our life experiences into lessons, everything that has been done to us, our culture as a whole, and we, have done to God.

Rather than agonizing continually as we do, it is good to put things back into perspective to regain our peace and joy through prayer and study of God's Word. When we experience the trials and rejection of life, we know that God is allowing us new insight into the culture and ourselves, while showing us His heart!

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