Monday, December 12, 2016

A Different Way to Celebrate Christ!

This is hard for me to watch:

Many if not most of those posts who say their Christmas shopping is done, are doing it on credit to be paid later.

I see so much materialism and extravagance this time of year it is astonishing.

I know people who put things on layaway to get now and pay later, it always aggravates me when wealthy people go and pay their bill for them.

All these good deed doers, are doing is fostering a wrong view of Christmas as well as enabling poor people to feel alright about spending money they don't have on foolishness.

Sorry, folks, I am not impressed with videoing acts of kindness for the world to see, or paying off someone's layaway gifts for poor people.

Children should be taught to give necessary things to those who are in need, not frivolous things that do not take care of needs. Sadly most people in our culture think everything they want is a need. NOT SO, needs can be exciting to receive too, when we learn to be grateful for the needs, we can enjoy life much more than any toy we receive.

Why do we think gifts are more important than relationships? Often we give a gift to replace the relationship. It takes far more effort developing a friendship than it does to give a gift that ultimately ends up glorifying our self.

How about celebrating a new way, don't give the gifts, decorate the trees and home, but rather spend time with others in the Word of God.

Visit those who have no one to come see them, while sharing the Word of God. The best gift we can give others who are lost is a copy of the Bible along with an explanation of what it means to be born again. This is the good news, greater than any news they will hear.

After all that lovely prayer and Bible time, enjoy a game with them. Spend time listening to their life, knowing their story might enrich us in some special way.

Giving God's way brings far more blessing to the receiver and the giver than anything the world thinks is important.

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