Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Entitlement Mentality in the Church

Born again, means believers have been changed into a new creation by Christ because of our response of confession of sin and desire to be changed by Him. Christ will not change or save anyone who does not want to be changed.

Most people who claim to be Christians today are more interested in feeling safe than they are in obedience to Christ. As long as they feel safe they don't care about what God says in His Word.

They relate their salvation to the parent child relationship, when they are naughty, the parents now days do little to correct them, the children are rebellious and disrespectful, but the parents just keep putting up with it hoping the children will some day grow out of it.

This idea people have of God, is one where they get all they can from their parents but care nothing about giving back.

When the culture courts this view of God, an entitlement mentality toward Christ, then they cannot become born again and they have no respect for Christ and what He did. No matter what they say, they have not been broken over their sinfulness, they have not confessed and they have no desire to seek Him for anything.

When we meet someone who cannot admit to their sin against man, will not be able to do it with a God they cannot see. The pride is too great, this person cannot be saved until they are broken.

Our prayer ought to be that God break their stubborn will so they will see their need for Him. After this happens they will no longer have a list of commands for God to follow, they will begin to ask God His Will for them.

Many pretenders today demand things from God instead of bow in humility to ask Him His will.

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