Saturday, November 4, 2017

Culturally Constrained

"Culturally Constrained", meaning we are bound up in the investment we have in the approval of others.

Our fear of being alone or being mocked is so great that we choose to remain silent to avoid the terrible feelings of rejection.

I have the answer to this dilemma, yep, it is really quite easy.

Here it is, love God with all your heart, your soul and your mind, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Yep, the two greatest commandments.

If we love God above everyone and everything else, we are freed to tell His truth and accept whatever rejection comes from that.

The reason for so much scripture twisting in our culture is so that those who have family and friends who despise truth, will remain happy with us.

The freest day of our lives is when we no longer care if others like or love us, because Christ in us is all Who matters. We love others because He loves us, but we love them in a way that helps them to see Him, rather than loving them the worlds way that leads them to destruction, we love God's way, hoping to snatch them from the fires of hell.

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