Sunday, July 22, 2018

God's Judgment

When we repeat God's judgment its not our judgment, its His and anyone hearing is responsible not to us but to Him.

We are not responsible for the reactions of others toward the warnings we speak from God. Their reactions show us whats in their heart.

There are those who say that we should say things in a way that people will receive it. Balderdash!!!! We need to be speaking from the Holy Spirit. Techniques are not of God, they are man's way of helping God.

Often when we speak truth, men will be angry at us, they hate the truth, they hate that they must evaluate themselves and they hate God. Their anger toward truth or toward discussion to resolve something shows the anger that resides in their heart all the time.

A calm and rational person never explodes on people, they calmly express themselves and drop a subject when the other party refuses to hear it.

Explosions and rage is nothing more than an attempt to control the emotions of others, intimidating them into silence and making them feel ridiculous and irrelevant.

When we encounter this person we need to walk away and ignore them from that point on. They will try to draw us back for more fighting, but the Holy Spirit can help us to avoid them.

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