Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Salvation Experience for Born Again Believers

Amen, this is my story too and I believe the story of every born again believer. If this did not happen to one who says they are a Christian then perhaps they never became born again.

Karen said this:

"I have, in the past, seen my own wickedness and sin as God saw it and how it not only hurt the ones closest to me but also God Himself!"

"I have been like Peter, literally following the Lord from a distance and yet denying Him as I did... And, like Peter, when I had denied Jesus I saw Him look at me and I knew He knew what I had done! That was the most shameful and horrifying experience in my life! And also like Peter, Jesus later made a way for me to return to Him!"

"So, the desire of my heart NOW is to NEVER dishonor or to bring pain to the heart of my Heavenly Father again! That is the supreme choice of my heart everyday and the motivation behind all my thoughts and actions."

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