Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Speech!

Pelosi was ripping up the president's speech. Pelosi is a cold-hearted demonized liberal. All the other liberals in the room had that stone-face that narcissists often have when they think someone they hate is being successful at something.

We have all met this kind of person, they cannot stand someone else they despise to have a good idea or accomplish something without them. Having said this I must say what most people do not want to hear, asking the question, "What is the real need of America."

One thing I did not hear in the speech tonight was the need for America to repent. If making America great again means a good economy, a religiosity without Christ and the freedom to sin as much as we like, then we are there already, but it will lead most people to hell.

I am glad the President is making some strides toward limiting to hopefully eventual banning of abortion. I am glad to see there are strides being made in outlawing illegal aliens and human trafficking. These are all evil things, however stopping all these things might bring America back to some semblance of morality, but it will not save souls and it will not keep people out of hell.

There is a technique that looms large among manipulators, that is to prey on one's emotions so deeply that our judgment is off when we cannot question what was said or in this case what was left out, our emotions run too high to see the deepest needs, that is one of repentance toward God and changed hearts.

We can fix the economy, save the babies, stop the traffickers and reduce the illegal aliens from entering our country, but what we really need is for America to become born again according to the bible.

There was a time in our country when we already had strong laws against the things mentioned in the president's address and the country still remained "religious", that is following rules and a standard but not born again. Most people didn't read the Bible that was in their home, they didn't seek the Word of God for their principles to live by and they didn't even know how to pray except when they were in trouble.

Many people in my youth only went to a church gathering on the holidays because that made the holidays seem validated by God not realizing they were not.

We have been a religious country with conservative bents over the years but we have not been godly. Even in homes where people went to a church gathering every week, there was no mention of Him in the home outside the church building. Most people didn't speak of God even in the church, they merely sat and listened, smiled big smiles, said hello to others as they left and counted that as being "religious." Sadly it was religious but it was not spiritual or dedicated to Christ. It was appearances and traditions driven not Holy Spirit-controlled.

2 Timothy 4:2-4 "…2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears, they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.…"

The problem has not been lack of religion in our country, the problem has been the expression of religion rather than a relationship with Christ. Outward rituals that were meaningless to God, even angering Him.

Mark 7:13 "13Thus you nullify the word of God by the tradition you have handed down. And you do so in many such matters.”"

America still needs to repent and trust in Christ!!!!

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