Tuesday, March 10, 2020

So You Said You Want to go to Hell?

There are those who joke about hell as though they are fantasizing and don't really believe in it. They say they will be there will all their friends.

Those who pretend to believe there is a party in hell often frame things in a way they want to see them instead of how they are really.

Deep in their heart, they know its wrong because when you tell them they are on their way to hell right after they joked about it, they get angry.

Why would you be angry about going somewhere you really believe is a party with all your friends? Why would you get angry being told you are going to the place to which you want to go?

Many who joke about hell know they are on their way there, so in defiance of truth, they attempt to make it sound like a place they want to go, even though they really do not.

These same people who joke about hell and pretend to want to go there will tell us at the funeral of a friend that their friend is in a better place now, they are in heaven. Why don't they ever say their friend is in a better place now in hell.

Also when a heathen is angry with someone they tell them to go to hell, so why? Perhaps because they know hell is a terrible place and want to curse the person they hate.
Just saying!

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