Thursday, September 9, 2021

Warnings are not Negative, they can Bring Healing

One might be wondering why the posts of born-again believers seem so "negative" all the time. The warnings, the rebukes, the continual begging for repentance, it's because the world is so wicked, the church is so messed up and the culture as a whole thinks bad things are good.
Folks, it's the times we are living in that motivate many of us to warn and plead with those who do not know Christ and those who say they do but live wickedly.
If we were standing in two feet of sewage because there was a flood and our houses were filling up with it we would not say silly things like "let's not talk about negative things, look at that green grass over there a mile away."
Instead, we would probably get the shovel and recruit others to get theirs to get busy draining that filth from the house. We would warn others passing by; "don't come in here you will get filthy and even die from a sickness."
The positive messages would come after the filth is removed and the people are safe.
Luke 3:6-8 "…6 And all humanity will see God’s salvation.’” 7 Then John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? 8 Therefore produce fruit worthy of repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.…"
Why do I speak of narcissism so much? Here's the answer, it's all around us all the time. Yes, there are good times too that we enjoy, but they cannot mask the smell of the evil that is all around us.
Have you ever smelled cat urine on a carpet, reached for the room freshener only to find out that now you smell the freshener and the filth all mixed together to make a worse smell. The freshener didn't take away the odor it merely mixed with it to make the foul smell more prominent.
Spending most of our time on happy things merely pretends to ignore the evil we see around us. We can bury our heads in the sand and refuse to see what is there, or we can see it, call it what it is and pray to receive the boldness to warn others who are walking into the sewer thinking it's a sandbox in which to play.
This culture cannot come out of the sewer until they admit how filthy they are without Christ.
There you have it, those who can see things for what they are do not become weaker, they become stronger as they deal with it Biblically. If you love your family and friends you will tell the truth to help them come out of the sewer and into the arms of Jesus Christ.


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