Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Weary of the Lies and Conspiracies I Press on with the Gospel and Holiness

I grow weary of all the "natural food" nonsense I see on the internet because most of the doctors in white coats spouting all these things about food are not even doctors, they are fakes.
The internet is full of false information and foolishness and sadly Christians are falling into the trap worried about everything diverting their attention from Christ and the gospel.
The conspiracy theories I have seen that Christians worry about cannot even be proven. They don't know the people doing the videos nor do they even know someone who witnessed something for themselves. And, even if they say they witnessed something we cannot be sure they are telling the truth.
We are living in the days of deep deception in which everyone, Christians, non-Christians, are being continually bombarded with lies thinking just because someone says they are experts they are to be believed.
The internet has more deception on it than it does truth. My first question to those who send me all this conspiracy information is; "if this were true then what should I do with that information?
The answer comes back every time; "we should be informed." Then I ask "why?" I have no need of information I can do nothing about and that cannot be proved.
I have found good information on the internet about sewing, cooking, and building something, even how to fix a lawnmower tractor, these things we can see them do and try ourselves. It is a blessing to be able to find ways to fix things or new products available for everyday life. However, the news stories about all the things going on "behind the scenes" in politics, medical, food and science, we can ignore, they are mostly all fake.
I'll never forget the YouTube video that showed a man putting half a banana with half a kiwi fruit in a pot with dirt claiming it would grow a kiwi banana that was yellow on the outside and look like kiwi on the inside. It was amazing how many people believed it. It was total nonsense and the man putting up the video wanted to prove how gullible people can be while they tried this silliness and all they got was two rotten pieces of fruit.
I tried to convince someone this was nonsense and they wouldn't believe me but interestingly they wouldn't try it when I challenged them. They were afraid I was right and didn't want to be proven wrong about something that made them "feel" excited about this new information. They never tried it to find out they made the choice to believe it. This is what is happening to many Christians today, they are choosing to believe things they cannot prove and do not know the people claiming these things.
Satan has been very clever in using silly things to divide Christians and distract them from the gospel and growing in holiness.
I challenge believers to ignore the internet propaganda for one month and pray during that time to be cleansed from the addiction to false information that only serves to make them feel superior while they call it informed.
2 Timothy 4:3-5 "…3For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.…"
It isn't just false doctrine we need to avoid it is also any kind of false information going on in the world. False information is the business of the father of lies, the devil, to distract, distort and frustrate believers so they will ingore the things of God written in His word the Bible.

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