Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Self Esteem Mentality has Destroyed our Country

My husband heard a report on the news this morning that in all the areas of the country where the standard for school academics was raised, there was a high drop out rate. What does this tell us? We are living in times when the children do not want to do anything hard, they like things to be easy and lots of praise for doing almost nothing. They drop out of school when things get tough and they do the same in marriage when the road gets rough. Bailing out of difficulties seems to be the mentality of this generation. Parents have not allowed their children to struggle or sweat, but jumped in every time the little darlings cried, rather than spurring them on to greater accomplishments.

This is what the teaching and training of self esteem has brought to our country. The children do not know how to do anything with diligence, but what they do they must receive praise.

Our children are praised even when they could do better, to spare their "self esteem." What we have created are arrogant and unteachable people who will not work hard and who will expect great perks for doing little. These people refuse to work unless they can have the top jobs right away, they will not work hard starting at the bottom as previous generations did.

This mentality has infiltrated the church and caused leaders to dumb down the gospel message to please the hearer, rather than challenge and convict. We have an entire generation of whiners.

There is only one solution for this mess, and that is to bring the gospel to this generaton and let the Lord work in their hearts.. Attempting to explain hard work and the principles of God to an unregenerate heart, will be of no help. They will not hear until they have realized their lost condition and need to be changed on the inside.

Beginning on the outside to change their behavior before they are born again, only produces pride and most of the time will only make them more rebellious. When a person who is not saved asks us for advice we can give it, but if we offer advice when it is not solicited, before someone has a changed heart, our advice will be spurned and rejected.

We must speak the gospel message whether anyone wants it or not, but advice for life must wait until they want it or they have been regenerated by Christ.

Proverbs 23:9 "Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, For he will despise the wisdom of your words."

Ezekiel 2:7 ""But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious."

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