Sunday, November 30, 2014

Relationships Ruined by Lack of Good Judgement!

A facebook friend made a very good point about the Brown shooting. No one saw the white community rioting in the streets when O.J. Simpson got off, when everyone knew he was guilty. He was rich and powerful, able to skirt the system and no one rioted. The blacks didn't riot then either that an injustice was done in that case.

If we are reasonable and sensible people we do not demonstrate every time we don't get our way. We understand the rule of law, whether we believe the outcome or not, we have the good sense to realize that those who saw all the evidence were the most equipped to make a decision on any trial.

Sadly there are blacks who did not agree with the rioting and had the presence of mind to understand these things, but were lumped in with all those foolish rioters. I regret this, that all blacks may be judged on the actions of a few anarchists, who don't care about truth. I love my black brothers ans sister and DO NOT WANT OUR RELATIONSHIP TO BE HINDERED BY THIS CRAZINESS.

Whether we like the outcome or not, we accept this form of law. There are probably unjust decisions that are made from time to time, but not all, and no one can decide when they haven't see all the evidence.

I fear that many opinions are formed based on the media bias. A good example of yellow journalism might be the video of ducks feeding the fish. I fell for that one myself. I thought, "what a wonderful thing that the ducks were taking food from their bin, placing it in the water to feed all the fish that came around to eat." Some of us actually thought the ducks were being friendly to the fish by feeding them. LOL, LOL!!! I am laughing at myself. How ignorant I was!

The ducks have to wash their food before swallowing it, they have to get a bit of water on the food and in their throats before they can swallow it, the fish were benefiting from what dropped in the water. This was revealed to us by another person in comments on another thread, who knew how ducks operate.

When we watched the video, we interpreted the actions of the ducks in terms of our own understanding of what that action would mean if humans were doing it. Out of our ignorance, we made a judgement and believed our false assumptions, based on what? A sixty second video? Now do we feel a little more challenged to get more information before judging a matter? I sure do!

I wonder how many of our judgements are interpreted based on how we would respond or think rather than what actually happened.

Most of us live on sixty second snippets of information from the news media, feeling all powered up and ready to make a, sincere but faulty assessment, of the itty-bitty information we have received. I have been guilty of this myself from time to time, thankfully I have been learning to allow the powers that be, the jurors and judges to do their job. I am not responsible to figure out all situations, especially if they did not involve me.

Proverbs 18:13 "He who gives an answer before he hears, It is folly and shame to him."

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