Thursday, November 13, 2014

We Knew It Would Come To This

We knew it would come to this, when we take the first step, more steps always follow. When abortion became legal in 1973, we told people this would escalate into bigger things. We told school students and people in other venues that killing people always leads to other forms of killing, they mocked us. When we told them there would follow laws about killing old people, they mocked us then too. When we told them that the Roe v Wade decision allowed for killing the baby all the way through the ninth month, they didn't believe us. Now we have "partial birth" abortion, where the babies can be partly out of the womb during birth, when they are killed brutally by scrambling their brains. Before partial birth abortion the babies are dismembered, without anesthetic, they are tortured and even left to die on counter tops, until they are dead to throw in trash bins. Why would we be so silly as to think that this killing mentality would stop at abortion. There is an old saying "once a dog gets the taste of blood, there is no way to stop him from killing again." Euthanasia has been legalized in Oregon now, there have been over 70 assisted suicides there since legalization, and just recently a young woman with brain cancer moved there to be killed this way. Anything after all this, should be expected. When killing becomes common place as with abortion, 56 million people murdered in the abortion mills now, there is no stopping any other form of legalized murder.
A story making headlines in the UK makes it clear that some people, rather than viewing life as a gift from God, have decided to play god in certain cases to determine themselves when and how a person should die. Recently, the mother of a severely...

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