Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Go With God!

What the world calls love, is not love at all, but hatred. The devil has managed to convince many people that it is love to allow others to self destruct without challenge or intervention. Sadly this is the case for the apostate church, who now have both feet in the world. While they hold a Bible in one hand and all their useless activities in the other, they are feeling mighty secure and special.

When we have done and said all we can do to help someone we love, see that what they are doing is ruining their lives and taking them down a course toward an eternal hell, and they still will not listen, there is only one thing to do, that is to walk away, continue to pray and let God take them through without us.

If we have trusted Christ for our own salvation, we can also trust Him for the salvation of others. He knows their heart, He knows what must be done to drive them to their knees toward sorrow over their sinfulness. To remain in their lives comforting them through their rebellion, only solidifies their high view of their own importance.

Until I came to the end of myself when I was much younger, I had no inclination to change anything. Many people are self righteous, they see no need for change in their bitter angry hearts, because they are getting what they want. They look good on the outside and they are not committing crimes, or strung out on drugs, so they count themselves too good to need Christ, and often above others who have come out of these things.

When God removes what they want, leaving them realizing that they are not in control of their own destiny, then and only then, can they see their need for Christ.

We learn very little when things are easy, we say "no pain no gain", when it comes to exercise for the body, but don't want to equate it to spiritual growth. The only way to grow our spiritual muscle is to lean into the plan of God rather than escape it. Sometimes this means rejection by those who don't see the need for discipline or isolation from those who will not repent.

In these days of apostasy we are likely to be demeaned and rejected for doing what is best for others, God's way. We must ignore the cultural pressures and go with God, He knows best.

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