Tuesday, November 17, 2015

America Under Siege

I am convinced that "O" is allowing the refugees to enter our country as a way of allowing Muslims to begin their attacks on us, for a dictatorial take over.

The manner in which our president has been ignoring congress, ignoring the constitution and running rampant with "executive order", while boldly proclaiming, "if push comes to shove, I will stand with Islam", are major clues in this matter of a regime that plans to dismantle America and begin a governmental take over. ...He started out slowly, appearing to be inept, but has emerged as purposefully working to undermine us on every level, financially, morally and militarily.

Why are so many politicians afraid to say what I believe they know? They must see much more than we do, all the clues are there!

This is the first blatantly treasonous president we have ever had and yet the states are all sitting on their hands fearful to actually speak what they have seen.

Is it possible that the powers that be are living in fear of how they will look, rather than being deeply concerned about where this government is going? Or perhaps they have been meeting in secret planning to remove the dictator when the time is right?

No president has been allowed to do this much damage to our country without serious challenge from the states. Something is amiss, there are strong clues that nothing is as it seems on the surface.

This regime is not merely an ignorant and inept entity, it is a diabolical and deliberate machine with a devastating agenda.

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