Friday, January 20, 2017

Tantrums and Lies

What we are watching in the news these days with the liberal left, is constant accusations of what conservatives are, but we have not seen evidenced.

Remember conservatives were accused of possible rioting if their candidate didn't win, and yet, there was none when Obama won twice. However, we have seen nothing but rioting and tantrums on the part of the liberal left when their candidate didn't win. Notice, once again the narcissists accuse the conservatives of the very thing the liberals were planning to do when they see themselves losing control over everyone else.

When narcissists lose control over others, they do what comes naturally to a six year old undisciplined mind, they have a tantrum, doing the very thing they accused others of doing, but the others were not and never have done.

The liberals must malign anyone who does not think as they do. They use language and covert meanness to manipulate and intimidate others, as well as black ball them wherever possible so as to cut off the free speech of the conservative, thinking this will elevate the narcissist in the eyes of others.

But it's not only in the political arena that this happens, it is also in the organized church gatherings that base everything or nearly everything they do on human tradition. Their tradition takes center stage over Bible truth. Don't believe me? Watch what happens when you challenge a pastor or church goer to question their practices that are not Biblical and watch what comes out of them. At the very least they will alienate you from others through gossip and lies.

Narcissists always accuse others of the very things the narcs are doing but the others are not. If a narc says you are a liar, then you know they are lying to you or have lied to you. If they accuse you of being crude they are describing themselves.

Sadly we see this often even in church gatherings. An attempt to silence those who insist that the Bible must be the standard and "go-to" source for everything.

It isn't possible for me to count the number of times "Christians" mocked and demeaned me and others for exposing their false doctrines or unScriptural assertions. Often so called "Christians" will completely ignore a challenge to use the Bible rather than popular traditional "religion" as their source.

We know we are living in the end times when those who walk with Christ are rejected among their own, not only family but also those who claim to be of the family of God.

2 Timothy 4:2-4 "…2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction.
3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires.
4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.…"

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