Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sleep Apnea, the Big Joke

I think doctors might also be getting bonuses for talking people into believing they have "sleep apnea." Lately many people I know in our children's generation, mostly those on a form of welfare are using these machines at night.

I was asked to take the test, I said no three times then the third time I agreed, mostly out of curiosity. I sleep just fine, no problems, but because my passages are small, so the doctor says, I should have the test.

The test showed me with a high number when the number should be low. I am convinced that this test is being pushed on us as an experiment. I refuse to have a noisy machine attached to me all night long, and I have a high deductible so I pay for everything and that machine costs upwards around a thousand dollars, then you need a special machine to clean the mask.

I think many of these tests are bogus, getting people to buy equipment or at least having the insurance companies to buy them for their clients, causing insurance rates to sky rocket.

I do not attach myself to machines nor do I let them vaccinate me. These things are all worldly silly and I want nothing to do with them.

By the way, if I die in my sleep, hallelujah, I know where I am going and I can't think of a better way to get there. LOL

Let me ask one more important question; "how many of you know of someone who has died in their sleep from "sleep apnea"? I have heard of some dying in their sleep from a heart attack or stroke, but not the sleep apnea. Something just isn't right about all this testing and these vaccinations.

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