Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Devils are at Work All the Time

Have you ever been doing something that you enjoyed, perhaps gardening, driving down the road to somewhere or just sitting in your house and all of a sudden for no reason at all there was a sense of dread that came over you? Nothing devastating but a minor sense that something just wasn't right?

I am convinced now more than ever that when this happens we are experiencing demonic oppression. The feelings that come over us do not make us depressed just cautious, but nothing happened to bring it on. The feelings that come make no sense and are not associated with any event.

In my life there have been times like this, when it happens I begin to think rationally and even pray, soon the feeling is dispelled. I then return to normality as though the feeling never came.

Psychologists would say that the feeling must have been triggered by something in our past, but I think its deeper than that, a spiritual attack to disorder our thinking. Devils may use past experiences to trigger feelings of worthlessness, but when there are no thought patterns when this occurs, I have to believe it is not from the past. The psychologists do not take into account the spiritual world because most do not believe in it, so they rationalize something else.

When we look all around us today we often see things that just don't make good sense. Irrational responses from people that don't fit with the experiences, a sort of over the top reaction to an innocent or benign statement, even a helpful one that was meant to encourage and instruct.

As we see the increase of end times mentalities as described in 2 Timothy 3, we realize where these irrational responses are coming from. They are fleshly as well as demonic. When we walk in the flesh basing our life on feelings instead of fact, it will cause many problems that are unnecessary. The devils are all about causing problems where there need not be any.

When we are walking with God we evaluate things, we don't simply lean into feelings as though they are facts, we think things through to appraise events for accuracy.

When an entire culture bases most of what they do on how they feel, we will see much error, even devastation.

Why do most people divorce, the answer is easy, they are acting according to their bad feelings over perceived hurts. When those in a marriage refuse to consider the needs of others, their responses will be based on how they feel rather than what is truth. And, their responses will be based on what they personally want, not what is good for both of them.

More than half of our population today is choosing not to marry, this is pure selfishness. Those who shack up refusing to make a commitment, while wanting all the perks of those who are committed for a lifetime, are selfish, indulgent and ruinous to relationships. The divorce rate is higher among those who live together first before marriage, the answer is simple, when there is a mentality of lack of commitment to someone no matter what, then there is constant turn over in relationships. If one doesn't work out you throw it away and get another.

Not only do the shack up couple leave a bad example of lack of commitment to the younger generation, they dishonor their parents in a lifestyle of self indulgence.

Just because parents now days don't feel dishonored by the sinful lifestyles of their adult children, does not mean they are not dishonored. But than again how can the adult children act properly when they come from homes that taught them divorce was an option and remarriage was the solution for a better life.

The younger generation has been taught by example that when things get tough just bail out. There is no such thing any more as doing the "noble" thing, until the hardship or hurt passes, there's just "I don't like this so I throw away those that won't give me what I want", mentality.

Children have not been considered in the mix when people divorce and remarry, they are merely force to go along with the decision of the immature adult, when it is the children who are harmed the most by the break ups.

Many parents can no longer expect their children to make commitments in marriage when they broke vows and had no commitments of their own.

There is a saying, "more is caught than taught", meaning children learn far more by example than they do by words. Words only have value when they are backed up by actions.

There is another saying that the old folks taught me over the years, "Your actions speak so loud I can't hear a word you're saying."

You see, how can divorced and remarried people train their children to remain in marriage for the rest of their lives, when their parents will not do it themselves. How can the divorced and remarried person teach commitment, honor, endurance and the art of working things out, when they have not done it themselves.

Divorced and remarried people are teaching their children by example to throw away people, to choose not to bother to work things out and never do anything for the sake of the children.

And we wonder why there are so many adult children who are shacking up without commitment? Just take a look at the example they were given to live by, no one really matters, nothing else really matters, except your personal happiness.

What is the solution, its a tough one because it isn't likely that our culture is going to turn around to begin again to obey the Bible, but there are those who have not yet divorced and remarried who might be tempted but decide to go the way of God and tough things out for the sake of their children and their spouse.

By tough things out I mean, seek solutions until there is growth for a better marriage. We can actually get through problems in marriage, we don't have to bail out and get another one.

Children want their two natural parents, that's how it works, family break up is devastating to the children, their pain of losing a parent to divorce and the double pain of seeing that parent with someone other than their mother or father is further devastating, compounding the grief the child has to endure because parents cannot get along like grown ups should. They cannot play nice, the way they teach their children to do. Why would a child take a divorced and remarried parent seriously when they are told to "play nice", their own parents won't do it, why should they?

You know it is interesting, I get treated disrespectfully on occasion because of my views on divorce and remarriage, without any thought of the devastation these actions take on our culture or their children....and I am the bad one for saying its bad. Go figure! Like I said earlier, these are irrational days without nobility based almost entirely on feelings, the shallowest part of our being.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 "2
“Difficult Times Will Come”
3 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.
2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,
4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5 holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these."

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