Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Babies that Hate to Lose

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I continue to be flabbergasted as the rudeness and childishness of this world. The American's are the biggest babies of all.

Back in the day when we were in elementary school we were taught what is called "sportsmanship", that is to say we show joy for the other person who did better than we did no matter how we felt about losing. Don't tell me this next generation is a good one. Sure there may be some who are, but for the most part this is the most selfish self absorbed bunch of whinny babies I have ever seen. Here is an article that tells about the woman who won and those who acted like babies'

"For anyone who doesn’t know this is Naomi Osaka. She is 20 years old and on Saturday night she became the US Open champion. She received no coaching, broke zero rackets, and treated the umpire and her opponent with respect throughout. Unfortunately nobody is talking about her." 🎾πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ†

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