Saturday, May 18, 2019

They've Learned to Lie!

Wicked people and even now Christians have learned to lie and say their sin is good. "bad will be called good and good will be called bad." Isaiah! That's where we are right now.

There is no longer any shame in the hearts of most people over their sin. There are cultural traditions now that have become so entrenched that most do not even consider these practices sin even when the Bible is clear about it.

Many Christians choose to rationalize sin because to stand strongly against it would lose them the love and respect of their own families. In other words, the family takes priority over the mandates of a Holy God!!!!

Isaiah 5:20-21 "20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter. 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.…"

Jeremiah 6:15 "15 Were they ashamed of the abomination they committed? No, they were not at all ashamed. They did not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; when I punish them, they will collapse,” says the LORD. "

There was a time when everyone was ashamed of sin and everyone knew what sin was, there were no disagreements on this matter of sin. Even if they would not stop their sin, they would hide it because they knew it was wrong. Now we live in a time when they not only do not hide it they flaunt and defend it, fighting bitterly to justify it. Even beyond this they love to villainize anyone who will not bow to their idea of right and wrong. They become angry if anyone makes them feel guilty about their sin. Why would anyone become angry at being told they are sinning unless they know they are, they just don't want to hear it.

Right is wrong and wrong is right in our culture today. Everything is evaluated on the basis of how someone will "feel" rather than what is right in God's eyes.

If we say to someone something is sin, it is likely people will call you mean for declaring God's truth. They do not consider what they are doing is mean or rude, only those who say it is are the evil ones.

We are living in the days of opposites, why is that? Because the devil is working in the minds of men to entice them to embrace all that is opposing God. The devil will cause people to rationalize their sin, even calling it good while bludgeoning anyone who will not fall in line to think as they think.

Psalm 2:1-3 "1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together, against the LORD and against His Anointed One: 3“ Let us break Their chains and cast away Their cords.”…"

1 Peter 5:7-9 "…7 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. 8 Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in your faith and in the knowledge that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering.…

Since we know these end times are going to be very difficult for authentic born again believers we can be prepared for what is coming. We prepare by knowing the word of God and praying for strength to resist the temptation to capitulate to the culture.

When we become very strong we are not likely to be taken in by flattery or rage. We will be steady and resolute in our walk with Christ willing to be rejected to follow Him.

Who is more important to us will be seen in whom we obey man or God.

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