Saturday, October 5, 2019

Their Rage is on Them Alone

The sense that I am responsible to make others listen left me many years ago.

There are those who will attempt to guilt you into believing you didn't say something the right way because the response to truth was rage.

The truth is that the rage came out of a heart that is rebellious not because of any way we delivered the message.

Narcissists will accuse us of being mean no matter how we say something. Their favored tactic is to make us think we did something wrong because they raged. The truth is that we did something right in telling the truth and the rage they feel is completely on them.

Rage only happens when there is anger already in the heart. Someone who is not angry in their heart does not rage at others no matter what is said to us.

Those who rage are proving their angry heart while blaming others for their own responses.

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