Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bullies Hate Those Who Think For Themselves

In the matter of whether or not we are "convicted" about something we are doing. Many people will use the excuse that I am not convicted about doing this or that to justify the sin they embrace.

If something is clearly mentioned in scripture there is no need for a "feeling of conviction." When we are told the truth from scripture then we are responsible to obey even if we "feel" nothing.

Those who are defying God will not have a conviction, their conscience is seared and they will even feel a sense of happiness in the middle of their sin.

The attempt to convince others of the lack of conviction is a sure sign they have no desire to evaluate what they are doing.

If someone were to approach me about something that is not sin against the word of God, I would never use the phrase; "I am not convicted about that." I would more likely give them the scripture that shows I am not sinning or challenge them to show me the scripture that proves I am sinning. In any case there would be an open honest discussion about the the challenge that I should or should not do something.

The phrase "I am not convicted about that" is often used when someone knows what they are doing is sin but is blaming God for their lack of "guilt" about it.

John 14:15
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments."

Isaiah 1:19
"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;"

Every day we make choices based on rational and reasonable thinking. We can choose to obey God and do what is right without the distraction of feelings. Or we can choose to ignore God's commands and do whatever our mind wants.

Feelings are fleeting and often inaccurate. If we follow our feelings we will be in error and continually deceived. We must know the word of God and obey it, no matter what our feelings might be manipulating us to think .

Feelings are easily manipulated, this is the reason so many shopping centers play happy music. We are likely to purchase more if we are happy with a sense of euphoria.

Also in ungodly family situations you might have pressure from family members who want you to ignore your conscience to participate in something you would not normally do. The pressure from family causes guilt in us, that perhaps we are the ones making someone else unhappy, when in reality those who pressure us are the ones making us unhappy.

The pack mentality is very strong in family settings. If the pack is unhappy then the one strong sheep is going to be attacked for making them feel bad. The pack never accounts for the needs or desires of the one, they always assault the stronger one who does not give into the pressure of the group.

Wolves always make excuses for their behavior as well as viciously encroaching on the rights of anyone who will not bow to their will.

If you have been the target of those who want you to become like them, then you understand everything I have written here.

The freest people in the world are those who have determined how they will walk and with whom they choose to walk, without reservation disregarding any attempts by others to intimidate into submission.

Thank the Lord He is our strength, He is our truth, no one else takes His place in authority over us. We do submit to people as we obey God's Word, but never under coercion and never out of feelings of guilt.

Luke 6:46
“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?"

Luke 11:28
"But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”

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