Sunday, March 22, 2020

When I Was New To Facebook

My dear friend Trudi shared her first encounters with Facebook and where it led, I want to share mine too.

I deteted mine four times because I thought the things going on there were silly. I ask the Lord why I kept being drawn back to it. I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit. Then one day the Lord said to me, almost audible it was so strong in my head. "Use it for me."

I told the Lord I would do that but I didn't expect anyone to like me or come to see. All family members ignored me and wanted nothing to do with me. I was willing to do it anyway even if no one liked what I posted.

But then the big surprise came. When I told the Lord I was willing to be hated because I expected to be because of my family. The surprise was that all kinds of people I never met came to ask me to be their friend because they were so blessed that I was saying the things they also believe and love to hear. What a blessing to me it was to find so many like-minded people.

Then God opened the flood gates of beautiful loving born again believers who were just like me.

Having been on Facebook for ten years now, I never thought I would stay this long or meet so many lovely people. Some I have even been able to see in person. Others I will have to wait until the Marriage Supper of the Lamb to meet.

Hallelujah for how God works everything out for our good.

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