Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Scribes of the Bible Did Not Speak or Write English

Did you know that none of our English words we speak were in God's Word.
Yep, the Scriptures were written in Greek and Hebrew, since we do not speak those languages and neither does most of the world, the words of God must be translated into each language so the people can read words in their own language that reflect the meaning from God's original languages.
It is a red herring to argue that certain English words are not reflected in the Bible, of course, they are not, Christ did not speak English and neither did His scribes who wrote down His words.
Only the original Greek and Hebrew is inspired by God. All other people groups had to have the original languages translated into theirs to be able to read it.
We should not be fighting over which translation, but we should discuss meanings as guided by the Holy Spirit.

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