Friday, October 29, 2021

America Must Repent

The only way for any American's to repent is for God to punish the country so that the people stop trusting in their "rights" and their "government" and begin to trust in Christ. Freedom in our country has been the god pushing out the Bible as the standard and replacing it with everything else.
America is going down because the culture as a whole is self-elevated and self-entitled. God must remove this mentality, but most will not budge, they will fight for their right to do whatever they wish but have no interest in God or Jesus Christ.
The Christian community has their mind more on politics and freedom than they do on Christ. We know this by their continual bantering about every latest government move.
The pride of America must be done away with in order for this country to see its need for Christ. Most Americans are "fighters of their rights", full of self-will and arrogance.
God uses difficulties to cause people to see their need for Him. Without difficulties, we see how culture progresses into selfishness and entitlement.
Even our good deeds are done to fulfill self-exaltation. We know this because of the level of which the family as a unit has been destroyed by divorce and remarriage.
Children have been indulged, mocking and demeaning their parents as they rule the family instead of the parents.
In our country, the Bible has been perverted as though it is a book of suggestions that can be followed or not depending on personal desire.
If you do not believe me just bring up passages in the Bible in front of family and friends and watch their faces turn red as though they are embarrassed. Then watch the silence as they sit there without anything to say, changing the subject to the latest political matter.
Yes, many are conservative but have no interest in God or the Bible. They just like their freedom and pleasure and they know that conservatism is what has preserved that.
The families of conservatives are just as messed up as the liberals only they don't know it. There are very few believers in Christ left in our country, most are pretenders who like their 'religion" but have no interest in obeying Christ.
"Conservatism" is not "Christianity"!!!! Many people are conservative in their politics but are radically disobedient to Christ. They don't think so because they have a form of "religion" they follow but little of it has to do with seeking and obeying Christ.
2 Timothy 4:3
"3 For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires,"
We are not living in times when there is little faith upon the earth and few people will listen to truth.
I am convinced we are going home soon because of all the signs around us that have been prophesied in the Bible. This brings me great joy and motivates me to encourage believers to keep looking up as God commanded when we see these things happening.
Luke 21:27-28 "…27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to happen, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

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