Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Narcissists will never be there for us!

When we pour out our heart to a narcissist they will eventually use it against us because they don't care about us.
They will never pour out their heart to you because they believe you would do the same thing they do and that would be to betray you to others or gossip, changing what you said to fit their desired belief about you believing you would operate the same way.
They don't trust others because they attribute to everyone their own traits of betrayal and gossip.
There are few people who will be open and honest with others because they must control the narrative, making sure they act the way they want you to see them rather than the way they really are inside. We discover their flaws through the way the narcissist portrays themselves, in a very superficial way pretending they do everything right all the time.
This is the reason narcissists can never admit their sin to others. They cannot humble themselves to resolve anything, it frightens them to have to admit a flaw. They cannot even confess small silly things that most people wouldn't even think twice about.
For humble people it is easy to say; "that was silly of me." Or, wow, I really messed up I hope to do better next time."
Those who cannot admit the truth about themselves cannot grow in emotional and spiritual maturity.
Open, honest people do not fear being transparent. If someone chooses not to like us because we admit flaws and mistakes then those people will not be our friends and do not love us.
If we have to pretend to be perfect around someone, that person is not authentic and cannot be trusted to support us when things are good and are likely to kick us when we have been down and are trying to get up again. They will never celebrate our getting up, they will continue to cogitate that we fell in the first place. They will never be there to help us up but will push us down when we are trying to get up.
When we have the love of Christ we celebrate and help those who are wanting to improve.
Galatians 6:2
"Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ."
This is why I love authentic Christians, they weep over our trials and are there to uplift us when we want to improve.

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