Monday, October 9, 2023

How to Move Forward in Holiness

We move forward growing in holiness and wisdom in direct proportions to how much we confess to be cleansed. 1 John 1:9-10
Those who refuse to confess remain emotional and spiritual infants and even regress.
Those who have a high opinion of their own goodness will malign the Word of God using it disgracefully and with arrogance to justify their own disobedience.
1 John 1:9-10
"9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us."
If you are praying for wisdom and desire to grow in holiness, God will answer that prayer when we confess our sins to Him. That prayer will not be answered for those who refuse to admit the needed changes in their own heart.
Confessing openly is a cleansing experience, those who will not do this remain in a state of insecurity constantly having to justify themselves living in fear they will be discovered for what they are on the inside.
Openly honest people will have nothing to hide, they can be transparent and guilt-free as they admit the need for changes in their own heart.
Matthew 15:19
"19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, acts of adultery, other immoral sexual acts, thefts, false testimonies, and slanderous statements."
Those who will not confess will regress deeper and deeper into bitterness, hatred and resentment toward those they have harmed. They cannot progress or be cleansed until they admit what they have done and in a very specific way. Those who confess in generalities are remaining in their pride.
Those who hold past forgiven sins against others are often those who have never confessed their own sins or they would know people who confess become changed and operate differently than they did before. Those who do not change are not confessing.
Those who change are those who have admitted their flaws and sins and are growing.
Everyone who is born again can have this wonderful life guilt-free as they seek Christ for their cleansing in total transparency. Those who will not confess develop false personas they display before others but are in turmoil inside as they live in their guilt every day.
May we all self-reflect to see if we are walking with Christ His Way. Asking God to show us our sin that we might be cleansed from it.
Read Romans 7 on this matter of God's Law that reveals our sin. Do not quench the Holy Spirit by refusing to seek God on this matter.

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