Friday, December 29, 2023

We are Allowed Our Own Opinions!

It is amazing how so many people think that we are not allowed to have opinions about things if they like to do those things.
There is a mentality that is very strange now, that is we become under attack when we voice our own opinions about something if someone else likes what we dislike. They say we are judging others by saying we personally don't like something.
Its really quite strange that our opinions are being "judged" as bad if they do not fit with the opinions of others.
In fact, we are called names like; "judgemental", and even rude when we express our own opinions about something the world loves.
In my last post, I was told I was judgemental because I didn't like those silly ripped jeans. it is true, I have judged those jeans.
No one will be able to make me like them or silence me about them simply by calling me names and accusing me of things. I do have a right to my own opinion about them.
I understand that this tactic of shaming someone for their opinion has shut down many discussions and silenced wise people, the reason our culture has reached the downward slide we are have been in for the past 80 years.
I also noticed that those who chastised me for having an opinion were those who loved those jeans. I didn't attack their character for liking them, I simply said I was weary of seeing women in them. I get to have that, its my right and my opinion.
It always amazes me when someone is angry over a personal opinion, perhaps they need so desperately to be validated in what they do they cannot just ignore an opinion, they must make the one with the opinion seem bad, wrong or mean for having their own opinion.
Notice these same people afford themselves the luxury of having the opposite opinion, seems one sided and narcissistic to me. Just saying!
When our culture becomes so hyper-sensitive to criticism it cannot even hear another person express their opinion freely if it differs from theirs, then we know we are living in a narcissistic culture.
By the way I was blessed by those who affirmed my opinion because they had the same view. I like to write things sometimes that others can relate to but are a little apprehensive to bring it up themselves. It is nice to agree with others and to have others agree with us. So thank you all for your comments.
James 1:5
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."
James 3:17
"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."

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